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Balekambang Beach, Malang - East Java

The beach is located in District Balekambang Bantur, South Malang. From the center of the city of Malang is approximately 65 miles. Travel to the beach can be reached from Gondanglegi Balekambang or from Kepanjen. Balekambang beach directly facing the South Seas. The beach is quite charming, a beach with waves big enough and filled with rocks. While the white sand around the net. When low tide, we can see among the coral, many fish are left.

We can also see there are three islands on this coast, the island Ismoyo, Anoman Island, and Island Wisanggeni. All three are connected by bridges, which unfortunately only to the Island Ismoyo are still intact and passable. Two other bridges were destroyed because of the fierce waves. On the island there is a temple Ismoyo, named Pura Jati Amertha Luhur. If at Mount Bromo, there is an annual ceremony Kasodho, then in this Balekambang there Jalanidhi Puja Ceremony and Suro'an.

Facilities at the beach locations are also quite complete. Ample parking, restrooms, small mosque, a place to buy souvenirs, food stalls and there is a simple lodging. But if you bring a tent, on the beach even more romantic ...

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